Today, unsolicited emails are a common problem. Businesses can use email as a resource to generate leads, revenue and reach their audience. But as spam detection has advanced, businesses have a harder time reaching their target audience with offers and promotions. 

Most business marketers do not realize how much time they spend writing and sending messages no one reads. Junk email has gradually been consigned to the garbage bin of email marketing history. 

So, it’s been tough to send a bunch of emails to the audience. However, people use shared or normal hosting to send mass emails, but they are not known that these hosting are largely categorized as spam since they come from one IP address. 

But not to worry, our email hosting is the best solution for business/enterprise email solutions. To avoid such issues, we care about network IP reputation checks. We frequently check blocked IP addresses across all major email providers so that emails land in the inbox of their recipients.

Let’s look at ways you can improve your regular emails. Several things can cause your email to end up in the spam folder, but there are a few ways to avoid emails being marked as spam:

Ways to avoid emails being marked as spam

Have a look at the ways to avoid emails being marked as spam below:

Take an email hosting plan

Email marketing has been a growing marketing campaign in the present day. So, if you are running a business, it is the best choice to use email hosting. You need a business email hosting package in Nepal Yohocloud to maintain email security and reliability. Along with that, it will ensure your emails are not being marked as spam and have reached your target audience.

Regularly keep your email list clean

Do not add a bunch of email addresses that you don’t know where they came from to your more current lists. This may cause your bounce rate to increase and may result in complaints from people who opted out of your email long ago or are no longer interested in your product or service. 

You may lose some subscribers, while others will ignore or mark your emails as spam. In this case, your sending reputation suffers, making it less likely that your emails will reach recipients, including those who actively engage with them. Having a smaller, more engaged email list is always better than having a large list of unengaged users.

So, keep your email list clean regularly. The most effective way to clean your list is to remove unengaged users, bounced emails, and other spam traps.

Authenticate your email

Authenticate your emails to make sure they are legitimate and trustworthy. Providers of mailboxes trust authenticated mail more than unauthenticated mail, so they are more likely to deliver authenticated mail directly into inboxes.

In order to ensure and authenticate that your email is not buried in spam, you need to demonstrate the following four factors.

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
  • DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
  • DBMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance)
  • BIMI (Brand Indicator for Message Identification)

DNS records

When an email is sent, a few records help verify the sender, and verification ensures that the email will not be classified as spam. An SPF record is the most common and the most effective.  

On YohoCloud, the name server is automatically created when you use our nameservers. Additionally, there is a DKIM record that allows the email to be digitally signed.

Moreover, the email becomes much more trustworthy. DMARC records strengthen the email’s trustability, but they are not very popular; SPF and DKIM are commonly used. 

Be up-to-date

Email delivery will not be guaranteed by compliance, but some ISP roadblocks can be bypassed. Marketers and senders should be aware of CAN-SPAM, the Canada Anti-Spam Law (CASL), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). These laws govern commercial emails, so let’s examine what each requires of senders.

Mail related content

In order to be successful in email marketing, you must send relevant and interesting content to your recipients. In other words, be purposeful about what you send and avoid sending simply to send. 

Aimless sending can cause your engagement to suffer, and that’s the last thing we want. Sending an email that doesn’t resonate with your recipients can lead to the email being ignored and marked as spam. 

If you are unsure what email content works best for your brand, feel free to experiment with new copy styles as you get to know your recipients better. But not to send random emails every day, every hour, which is too irritating.

Use spam checkers

You can check your emails for spam using spam checkers, which are online tools that examine your email and determine whether it will be marked as spam. To check your emails for spam, there are some spam checkers you can use: 

  • Mail Tester
  • Litmus 
  • Postmark

Spam checkers ensure your emails pass all major spam filters before sending them. It also examines blacklisted, DKIM, and the integrity of your message.

Check if your domain is blacklisted.

For example, if your domain has been involved in spam activity in the past, it may also be blacklisted in rare cases. Check whether the domain is blacklisted by using the blacklist checking tool. Since the domain is the responsibility of the customer, if it is already listed, you will have to delist it manually.

Check your server

Check your mail server periodically to ensure it isn’t blacklisted. A number of tools are available online for this purpose, for example. Please contact YohoCloud support if your server is blacklisted so they can provide instructions. When it comes to a shared hosting server, we’ll look after it.

Secure your website with an SSL certificate

SSL certificate – mail servers can use SSL well as SMTP authentication. On most web hosting packages, these settings are automatically set and are required. If you don’t know how to use these settings, you can check out how to install SSL on the cPanel blog.

Thus, these points mentioned above are major to prevent emails from being marked as spam. Do follow up on all the above methods to avoid emails being marked as spam.