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Reseller hosting is one of the cheapest hosting among all the web hosting types, and due to that, it is more in use. We have already talked about reseller hosting and its pros and cons in our previous blog. You can check them out. So here we will talk about how you can Resell hosting.

How to Resell Hosting?

Follow the steps below for reseller hosting:

Step 1Describe What You Offer

Investing in this industry requires careful research. As mentioned earlier, it’s one of the cheapest hosting and easy to go businesses, so many people prefer it. Most people do proper research and find their niche, whom they want to serve, and a defined offering. 

Thereby, you also research properly about the market, focus on a niche, be clear about what you offer, and describe what you offer differently than others.

Step 2Compare different hosting services

These days, most hosts offer reseller services, and it can be hard to choose. However, you may find prices will vary considerably. However, you shouldn’t go for the cheapest platform you find, as this can often backfire on you later on.

Check out which ones offer the best customer service integrations by looking at online reviews and customer service, comparing price and features. Many providers provide free trials or money-back guarantees. Therefore, before coming to a decision, try a few.

Step 3Choose the right hosting plan for you

You must choose the right hosting plan once you’ve found a platform. Generally speaking, higher tiers will provide more websites, more RAM, and more bandwidth, so how many clients you want to sell to will heavily influence your decision.

Consider the following things to help you make a decision:

  • A free billing and customer management dashboard
  • Data backups every day,
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Strict security controls

Step 4Determine whether to go with dedicated or hybrid servers

Choosing this option will influence the kind of services you can provide. It’s probably best to start with hybrid servers since they can share resources between multiple clients.

Some resellers, however, specialize in dedicated servers. In this case, your client will have complete control over its use since every server can only accommodate one user. There will be many people willing to pay a premium for this service as it will allow one customer to host dozens of websites.

Step 5Select a managed or unmanaged service

If you are a newbie, then do start with managed service. Managed services include everything from software installations, bug fixes, customer support, server security, uptime issues, and software maintenance.

All of these responsibilities now fall on you if you are using an unmanaged service. This might initially appear counterintuitive; however, some resellers prefer it because it gives them complete control over their business.

Step 6Prepare a business plan

Once you are all decided to resell hosting, prepare for a business plan; choose a hosting partner who offers flexible plans to meet your ever-changing needs.

Make a list of clients you want to attract, and determine what you need to do to win them. Prepare a budget for everything, including hosting, marketing, potential hiring of staff, and emergencies. 

Step 7Put Customer Service First

One of the most important aspects of any business is to provide excellent customer service first, so do reseller business. Another good reason to use a managed service is this. You can focus on customer-facing aspects of your business while your hosting platform deals with the day-to-day technical problems.

You can set up a chatbot or contact emails to respond to any customer questions at any time. The majority of hosting platforms offer integrated customer service tools, so use them.  

Step 8Create a marketing plan

Now it’s time to create a marketing plan; since this market is highly popular and competitive, you need a proper plan.  You can go for different campaigns like email marketing, google ads, Facebook ads, social media posts. 

Step 9Design your customers’ packages

Make sure you are offering every feature that other hosting services offer and some extra features at affordable prices. Make a list of features you must include in your packages and a cost plan according to it. You should remember that many features are now pretty much expected as standard across the industry, like Free SSL certificates, FTP access, and free domain name registration. 

Find out what your competitors are offering and which hosting companies offer the best flexibility to create unique customer packages. Calculate overheads for each package, then price it appropriately.

Step 10Create a Control Panel for Customers and Billing

Lastly, get a control panel for your customers to manage bills, track customer inquiries, and even help with marketing. Configure automatic monthly payment collections, check for late payments, and process orders even when you’re not online.

Several of the best hosting providers offer the Web Host Manager Complete Solution (WHMCS), which can be easily integrated into your reselling business. It’s essential that you have WHMCS in place before you start reselling, as it lets your customers launch and operate their websites within minutes.

As a bonus, you can also start an affiliate program where users refer friends and family members to your hosting service.

Thus, can be the best option for you to start reselling hosting.