Redirect domains act as pointers to other domains, i.e., you click on one domain; it will redirect and land you to the next domain. For example, if you have clicked on, you will be redirected to but this only happens if the domain redirect has been done.


There are various types of web redirects that can be created from a cPanel account. These include temporary redirects and permanent redirects.


  • Temporary Redirects (status code – 302)

In a Temporary Redirect header, the resource requested has been temporarily moved to the URL indicated by the Location header. This temporary redirect is used mostly when the site is under maintenance as it redirects your visitors to a temporary page so that you won’t lose your visitors. Your visitors will also be able to browse information. When your website needs to be temporarily redirected, you need to use status code 302 for temporary redirects.


  • Permanent Redirects (status code – 301)


Permanent Redirects tell visitors and search engines that the web page or site has been permanently moved to a new webpage. It uses status code- 301, which means Moved Permanently. Whenever a 301 redirect is done, search engines will know that the new website is the permanent place for the content to direct ranking and pass link juice to the new URL. Whenever the old website is moved to a new website, then this permanent redirect must be used.


How to Setup a Domain Redirect in cPanel?

Step-1 Sign into your cPanel account.

Step-2 Under the Domains section, click the Redirects.

Step-3 In the Type section, select either Permanent (301) or Temporary (302). In general, any redirect will be Permanent (which is the default).

Step-4 Choose the domain you want to redirect from the next drop-down box.

Step-5 Enter any folder names you need in the slash ‘/’ field.

Step-6 In the “Redirects to” section, enter the address you wish to redirect.


Step-7 Choose how you want to handle ‘www’ redirects under the “www. redirection” section. 

Step-8 Tick the check box if you want to create a Wildcard redirect. It will add the file/folder name after the URL when it is redirected. For example, gets redirected to automatically.

Step-9 Click on “Add” once you are finished:

Thus, here you learn how to set up domain redirects from your cPanel. 
