If you are planning to start your blogging journey in 2020 then this article will guide you to select the fundamentals requirement of web hosting, latency checking, and optimizing general website performance.
Most of the beginner faces the problem on choosing the right hosting company for their budgets. You might be surprised to hear that the majority of web hosting companies are owned by just three large corporations – GoDaddy, Endurance International, and 1and1.

Among the three main giant hosting companies there are many hosting companies that are providing their own services apart from internal server sharing. Do not worry, they don’t sell your information to a parental company they are only owned by a single entity. When you scratch beneath the surface, you’ll find dozens of the “top” hosts are ultimately owned by these three corporates. A lack of competition means prices have been kept high (and rising), whilst client apathy to migrating means service is often lackluster, as you are just a client number out of millions.

Funny things are that you might find some company prices so cheap and after buying the services you will force to upgrade the plans to higher specifications. Most of the beginners are lured by their upsell strategies and that makes the hosting experience bitter. So i will make your choosing web hosting company task a little easy.

Domain registration can simple task because it doesn’t need much investigation about provider but a selection of web hosting among thousand of providers is certainly a difficult task and i will help you to find the criteria of choosing the best web hosting company.

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