Are you a web developer looking for an easy way to host your Node.js app? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to easily host your app on cPanel with just a few simple steps. Keep reading to learn how!


Hosting a Node.js application on cPanel is an easy and straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps to get your Node.js application up and running on cPanel.

First, you’ll need to log in to your cPanel account. Once you’re logged in, scroll down to the Software section and click on the Setup Node.js App icon. After clicking this icon, you’ll be taken to the Node.js selector page, where you can select the version of Node.js that best suits your application’s needs. Once you’ve selected a version of Node.js, you can proceed to deploy your application using CloudLinux Application Manager or create it manually using the Node.js Selector interface.

The CloudLinux Application Manager allows you to deploy both Node.js and Python Core applications quickly and easily with just a few clicks of the mouse. If you prefer to create and configure your application manually, then you’ll need to install the Node.js Selector first before proceeding with creating your application’s directory and configuring it accordingly for use with cPanel users.

Once your application is deployed or created, cPanel users have the option to register their own applications via their cPanel account which allows them to access their own version of your application for testing or development purposes without affecting the main version of your application hosted on cPanel.

This guide will walk you through all of the steps necessary for hosting a Node.js application on cPanel, from logging in to selecting a version of Node.js and deploying or creating an app to registering an app for cPanel users so they can access their own versions of your app without affecting the main version hosted on cPanel.

Log in to cPanel

To log in to cPanel, open your web browser and go to the URL provided by your hosting provider. Enter your username and password to log in. Once you have logged in, you can scroll down the cPanel homepage and click on the Setup Node.js App icon located within the SOFTWARE section. You will then be taken to a page where you can configure various settings for your Node.js app. From here, you can set up your Node.js app and deploy it on cPanel using CloudLinux Application Manager.

Scroll Down to the Software Section

To scroll down to the Software Section in cPanel, first log in to the server via SSH as a cPanel user. Once logged in, you will be presented with the cPanel homepage. Scroll down to the Software section located at the bottom of the page. In this section, you can find options for setting up Node.js App and other core applications via CloudLinux Application Manager. Selecting Setup Node.js App will take you to a page where you can configure your Node.js application and deploy it. You will also have to create an application’s directory as part of this process. CPanel users can also register their own Node.js applications in this section. By following these steps, you will be able to successfully scroll down to the Software Section in cPanel and set up your Node.js application.

Select Setup Node.js App

In order to select and setup a Node.js App, you will need to log in to your cPanel account. Once you are logged in, scroll down to the SOFTWARE section of cPanel and click on the Setup Node.js App icon. This will take you to the Node.js selector page where you can select the version of Node.js you want to use for your application. Once you have selected your version, click on the Install button and wait for your application to be installed. After installation, you will need to configure your Node.js App by creating an app directory and configuring environment variables and authentication credentials. You can then deploy your application by registering it with Passenger App Manager and cPanel. Cpanel users can register their applications with Passenger App Manager in order to make them available for access within cPanel.

Deploy Node.js and Python Core Apps via Cloudlinux Application Manager

Once the Node.js Selector is installed, users can deploy Node.js and Python core applications via Cloudlinux Application Manager. Cloudlinux Application Manager is a platform that offers an intuitive web interface for users to manage their apps. It is designed to make deploying and managing applications easy. The CloudLinux platform allows users to select the type of application they want to deploy, such as Node.js or Python, and specify the version of application they want to use.

To deploy a Node.js or Python application via CloudLinux Application Manager, first log in to your cPanel account. Then, click on the “Application Manager” icon in the Software section of cPanel dashboard. This will take you to the CloudLinux Application Manager page, where you can deploy your app by selecting “Node.js” or “Python” from the list of available applications.

Once you have selected your application, you will be asked to specify the version of application you wish to use and other parameters such as memory limit and CPU limit according to your needs. You will then be asked to enter the domain name (if any) associated with this application and create a directory for it relative to your home directory. You can also specify additional settings such as environment settings and additional modules if needed. When done, click on “Deploy” button at the bottom of the page to finish deploying your application.

Now your Node.js or Python application is ready for use! With CloudLinux Application Manager, hosting users can easily deploy and manage their applications with ease and convenience.

Node.js Selector

Node.js Selector is an open-source tool that allows cPanel users to quickly and easily manage their Node.js applications. With Node.js Selector, users can deploy, configure, and manage Node.js applications in a few simple steps.

To begin using Node.js Selector, users must first install the software from the cPanel interface. To access the installation page for Node.js Selector, users must log in to their cPanel account and scroll down to the software section of the page. Once there, they must select “Setup Node.js App,” which will take them to the installer page for Node.js Selector. From there, users can follow the instructions on the page to complete the installation process.

Once installed, users can begin deploying their Node.js applications using Node.js Selector. To do this, they must first create a Node.js application using the CloudLinux Application Manager (CAM). This process involves specifying the app’s name and port number as well as providing an application directory where its files will be stored. Once created, users can then deploy their application using Node.js Selector by selecting it from a list of available applications and clicking “Deploy.”

After deploying an application with Node.js Selector, users can configure it using the same tool by selecting their application from a list of available apps and clicking “Manage.” This will open a configuration page where users can adjust settings like memory limit, CPU limit, and log level for their application’s performance optimization or troubleshooting purposes as needed.

Node.js Selector is a powerful tool for cPanel users that allows them to quickly and easily deploy, configure, and manage their Node.js applications on their hosting accounts with minimal effort required on their part. By following these steps outlined in this blog post, cPanel users can take advantage of this useful tool to more effectively manage their hosting accounts and make sure their applications are

Install Node.js Selector

Once you have logged in to cPanel and scrolled down to the Software section, you can select the Setup Node.js App option. This will bring up the Node.js Selector page, which will allow you to install and configure your Node.js application. On the page, choose the “Install Node.js Selector” button to install the Node.js Selector for your cPanel account.

The Node.js Selector provides a list of all available versions of Node.js and allows you to select which version you would like to use for your application. After selecting the version, click “Install” to begin installing the selected version of Node.js onto your cPanel account. The installation process may take some time, so be sure to wait until it is complete before proceeding with further steps.

Once the installation is complete, you will be able to access and configure your Node.js application via the Node.js Selector interface in cPanel. Here you can create a new application by selecting “Create Application” from the main menu and then entering an appropriate name for your application as well as a directory where it should be installed on your server. After this is done, click “Create” and your application will be ready for use in cPanel.

Create Node.js App

Once you have logged in to cPanel and selected Setup Node.js App in the SOFTWARE section of the cPanel homepage, you are ready to create a Node.js app. To do this, click on the Create Application button in the Node.js Selector page.

On the Create Application page, select your desired application type and version. You can also choose to enable additional services such as IPV6, SSL/TLS, HTTP/2 and more. Once you have selected your preferred settings, click on Create Application.

The next step is to configure your newly created Node.js application. On the Configure Application page, select your desired application settings such as the language version, environment variables and database connection information. Once you are done configuring your application, click on Save Settings to save your changes.

The next step is to deploy your application using CloudLinux Application Manager. To do this, click on Deploy App in the Node.js Selector page and select your desired deployment method – either manual or auto-deployment with Git integration. After selecting a deployment method, configure the settings according to your preferences and click on Deploy App when you are done.

Finally, you need to create an application directory relative to your home directory so that all of your app files will be stored in one place for easy access and management. To do this, run the command “mkdir ~/appname” from the command line where “appname” is the name of your application directory. Once you have created the directory for your app files, you can now start working with them from within the directory or through FTP access from another computer.

Configure Node.js App

Once you have selected the Setup Node.js App icon in the SOFTWARE section of cPanel, the Node.js App Configuration page will appear. On this page, you will be able to configure settings for your Node.js application, such as its version, domain name, root directory and environment type.

To select a Node.js version for your application, use the Version dropdown menu and choose the version that works best for your application. You can also choose which domain your application should be associated with by using the Domain dropdown menu.

The Root Directory field is where you will enter the directory path of your application’s root directory relative to your home directory. This should be the same as the directory you created when setting up your application in cPanel earlier.

Environment Type allows you to decide what type of environment your application will run in – either Production or Development. Generally, production environments are used for applications that are already ready to be deployed and development environments are used when testing new features or making changes to existing ones.

When all settings are configured correctly, click Create to create your Node.js App and activate it on your cPanel account. Your app should now be ready to use!

Deploy Node.js App

Once the Node.js application is configured, it can be deployed using the cPanel Application Manager. To do this, click on the ‘Deploy’ button next to the Node.js application in the Application Manager. The application will then be deployed to the application’s directory that was created in the previous step. After the deployment is complete, a success message will appear and you should be able to access your Node.js application from the URL provided.

Create the Application’s Directory

Once you have selected the Setup Node.js App option, you can create the application’s directory. You can call the directory anything you want. This is where your app’s code files will live. Create a file called app.js in this directory, which will be served as your main page. You can add other files to the same directory or create separate directories for other files. Once the directory and files have been created, you can move onto configuring your Node.js App.

Cpanel Users Can Register Node.js Applications

Cpanel users can register Node.js applications and associate them with a domain in Application Manager. In order to do this, users must first log in to their cPanel account and scroll down to the SOFTWARE section. Once there, they must click on the Setup Node.js App icon. On the Node.js selector page, users can select the version of Node.js they wish to install, as well as the environment.

Once Node.js is installed, users can create a new application from the Create App option in Application Manager. They will then be asked to provide a name for their application and assign a domain or subdomain to it. Users can also configure the version of Node.js they wish to use for their application from the ‘Options’ tab in Application Manager.

Once the application is created, users can deploy it by clicking on ‘Deploy’ in Application Manager. Once deployed, users can access their application by visiting its domain or subdomain in a web browser. Cpanel users can also manage their applications via Application Manager, allowing them to start and stop the application, view errors and logs, and more.

To host a Node.js app on cPanel, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure your cPanel account includes Node.js support. You can check this by logging into cPanel and navigating to the Software section. If Node.js is listed, you have access to it. If not, you may need to contact your hosting provider to enable it.

  2. Next, you’ll need to create a Node.js app. You can do this using a framework like Express, or by creating a simple script that runs your Node.js code. You’ll also need to specify which version of Node.js you’re using.

  3. Once you have your Node.js app ready, you’ll need to upload it to your cPanel account. You can do this using cPanel’s file manager or an FTP client.

  4. In cPanel, navigate to the Setup Node.js App section. Here, you can set up a new Node.js app by specifying the app’s name, the app’s entry point file, and the version of Node.js you’re using.

  5. After you’ve set up your Node.js app, you can start it by clicking the “Run” button. This will start your app on a specified port, which you can access using your domain name and the port number.

  6. Finally, you’ll need to configure your domain name to point to your Node.js app. You can do this by creating a new subdomain or adding a new record to your DNS settings.


To host a Node.js app on cPanel’s terminal, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, login to your cPanel account and navigate to the Terminal icon under the Advanced section.
  2. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to host your Node.js app using the cd command. You can create a new directory using the mkdir command if necessary.
  3. Upload your Node.js app files to the directory using the scp or rsync commands. For example, you can use the scp command to upload your files to the server:
  4. scp -r /path/to/your/app username@yourserver:/path/to/your/directory
  5. Replace username and yourserver with your cPanel username and server address respectively.
  6. Once your app files are uploaded, navigate to the directory and install any required dependencies using the npm install command.
  7. Start your Node.js app using the node command followed by the name of your app’s main file. For example, if your app’s main file is index.js, you can start the app with:
  8. node index.js
  9. By default, the app will run on port 3000. You can access your app by visiting your server’s IP address or domain name followed by the port number, for example:
  10. To run your app continuously, you can use a process manager like PM2. To install PM2, run:
  11. npm install -g pm2    Once installed, start your app with PM2 using the command:
  12. pm2 start index.js   This will start your app in the background, and will automatically restart the app if it crashes. You can view your app’s logs, monitor performance, and manage other app-related tasks using PM2 as well.
  13. That’s it! Your Node.js app should now be hosted on cPanel’s terminal and accessible through your domain name or server IP address.